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Giving Circles

Create a Friends and Family Giving Circle. Set an annual goal for your group, and we'll keep you posted about its progress as your group's members send in their donations. Giving Circles are a FUN way to spread the word about the multiplier effect of donating to URDT/ARU!

Agnes and others grd.jpg

$5,000 provides a full year's salary for a URDT Epicenter Manager who empowers thousands of families in the entire district.

$2,040 is a full-year scholarship for an African Rural Univesity Student who will transform lives in rural Africa.  

$1,000 is a full-year's tuition to the URDT Institute for Vocational Training for young men and women to start businesses and train others. 

$1,000 provides a full-year scholarship for a girl student at the URDT Girls School for herself and family.


Make a difference together!

My giving circle goal is as follows:
Target Date

Circle Leader Details:

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